I believe we've gotten past the point of explanation. Here's the next part of the list and enjoy!
40. The Snowmen
S07, E06
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Clara Oswald
39. The Unicorn and the Wasp
S04, E07
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Donna Noble
38: Voyage of the Damned
S04 CS
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Astrid Peth
37. The Lodger
S05, E11
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Craig Owens
36. New Earth
S02, E01
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Rose Tyler
35. The End of Time (Parts One and Two)
S04.5, E04/05
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Wilfred Mott

34. Planet of the Ood
S04, E03
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Donna Noble
33. The Shakespeare Code
S03, E02
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Martha Jones

32. The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
S05, E04/05
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond

31. Amy's Choice
S05, E07
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
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