Basically exactly what it says on the tin. I am a massive fan of Doctor Who, as anyone who knows me well can say, and I cannot say that I've seen a single episode that I've downright loathed. Because of that, this list was rather difficult to form. Anyways, a few things before we begin:
- I have not seen any episodes from the classic series, so this list is entirely 2005-present
- Expect a fair mix of Doctors, Companions, and Moffat/Davies episodes. Do not ask me which era I prefer because I think each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
- If you want reasoning behind any of my choices, feel free to ask me.
- If you disagree with any of my choices, feel free to tell me, since I have decided not to add reasoning to this.
- Two-part episodes will be listed as one entry.
- Enjoy!
Here are some that didn't make the cut.....
(organized in no particular order)
1. Asylum of the Daleks
S07, E01
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
S07, E02
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
3. Gridlock
S03, E03
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Martha Jones
4. The Idiot's Lantern
S02, E07
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Rose Tyler
5. The Runaway Bride
S03 CS
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Donna Noble

6. The Unquiet Dead
S01, E03
Doctor: Nine
Companion(s): Rose Tyler
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