Well, here we are! Time to tell you my absolute favourite episodes of Doctor Who. If you disagree with my choices, especially my #1, I will listen to your reasoning so long as you pose it politely. Anyways, enjoy!
10. A Christmas Carol
S06, CS
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Kazran Sardick
9. Father's Day
S01, E08
Doctor: Nine
Companion(s): Rose Tyler
8. Turn Left
S04, E11
Doctor: Ten (though he really isn't in it much)
Companion(s): Donna Noble
7. Vincent and the Doctor
S05, E10
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond
6. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
S04, E12/13
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Every single companion that has been introduced in the new series thus far (so Donna, Martha, Rose, Jack, Sarah Jane, Mickey, and Jackie. Gwen and Ianto from Torchwood too.)
5. Human Nature/The Family of Blood
S03, E08/09
Doctor: Ten
Companion(s): Martha Jones

4. Blink
S03, E10
Doctor: Ten, though he isn't in it much
Companion(s): Martha Jones, though she isn't in it much either
Main Character: Sally Sparrow
3. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
S05, E12/13
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
2. The Wedding of River Song
S06, E13
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
and my #1 choice is............................................................................................
...............................................................................................................wait for it.......
1. A Good Man Goes to War
S06, E07
Doctor: Eleven
Companion(s): Amy Pond, Rory Williams
So there you have it. My fifty favourite episodes of one of my favourite shows of all time. Hope you enjoyed.
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